Wiki source code of Reset your password

Last modified by Ecaterina Valica on 2016/11/17 15:21

Show last authors
1 {{velocity output="false"}}
2 #**
3 This page completes the password reset procedure. It works according to the next algorithm:
4 1. Verify that the correct verification URL is entered, by checking the 'u' and 'v' request parameters against the existing ResetPasswordRequest objects
5 2. Display a form requesting the new password
6 3. When receiving the new password via form submission, update the user object with the new password, and remove the ResetPasswordRequest object
8 URL parameters:
10 u = user account in the verification URL
11 v = random verification string
12 p = the new password
13 p2 = the new password (for misspelling check)
15 !!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!
17 This document requires programming rights, so always make sure
18 it is saved by a user with programming rights, and that
19 it is secured against unprivileged editing.
21 *###
22 ##
23 ##
24 ## The name of the class used for storing password reset verification data.
25 #set ($verifClass = 'XWiki.ResetPasswordRequestClass')
26 ##
28 ##
29 #**
30 * Encrypt a string to get the value that would be stored inside a PasswordProperty field.
31 * It is used to check if the unencrypted parameter from the URL is the value stored in the
32 * ResetPasswordRequest object.
33 * @param value The plaintext value to encrypt.
34 * @param storedValue The current value stored in the ResetPasswordRequest object.
35 * @param result The encrypted output.
36 *#
37 #macro(encrypt $value $storedValue $result)
38 #set ($encryptedValue = $xwiki.getClass($verifClass).getXWikiClass().get('verification').getEquivalentPassword($storedValue, $value))
39 #setVariable("$result", $encryptedValue)
40 #end
41 ##
42 ##
43 #**
44 * Verify that the request parameters are valid.
45 * @param userName The user name (full document name) received in the URL.
46 * @param validationString The unencrypted key that is stored in the ResetPasswordRequestClass object.
47 * @param result A boolean where the validation result is returned. True if the request is valid, false otherwise.
48 *#
49 #macro(verifyRequest $userName $validationString $isValid)
50 #set ($isValid = false)
51 #if ($validationString != '' && $userName != '')
52 #set ($storedValidationString = $!xwiki.getDocumentAsAuthor($userName).getObject($verifClass).getValue('verification'))
53 #encrypt($validationString, $storedValidationString, $encryptedValidationString)
54 #if ($storedValidationString == $encryptedValidationString)
55 #set ($isValid = true)
56 #end
57 #end
58 #end
59 ##
60 ##
61 #**
62 * Displays the password reset form.
63 * @param message An optional message to display, for example if the sent password is empty.
64 * @param u The user account (full document name), which needs to be preserved.
65 * @param v The validation string, which will be checked again upon receiving the form.
66 *###
67 #macro(displayForm $message $userName $validationString)
68 #if ($message != '')
69 {{warning}}$message{{/warning}}
70 #end
72 {{html}}
73 <form action="$doc.getURL()" method="post" class="xform third" onsubmit="if($('p').value == '') {alert('$services.localization.render("xe.admin.passwordReset.step2.error.emptyPassword")'); return false;} else if($('p').value != $('p2').value) {alert('$services.localization.render("xe.admin.passwordReset.step2.error.verificationMismatch")'); return false; }">
74 <div class="hidden">
75 <input type="hidden" name="form_token" value="$!{services.csrf.getToken()}" />
76 <input type="hidden" name="u" value="$!escapetool.xml($userName)"/>
77 <input type="hidden" name="v" value="$!escapetool.xml($validationString)"/>
78 </div>
79 <dl>
80 <dt><label for="p">$services.localization.render('xe.admin.passwordReset.step2.newPassword.label')</label></dt>
81 <dd><input id="p" type="password" name="p" value="" size="20"/></dd>
82 <dt><label for="p2">$services.localization.render('xe.admin.passwordReset.step2.newPasswordVerification.label')</label></dt>
83 <dd><input id="p2" type="password" value="" name="p2" size="20"/></dd>
84 </dl>
85 <div class="buttons">
86 <span class="buttonwrapper"><input type="submit" value="$services.localization.render('xe.admin.passwordReset.step2.submit')" class="button"/></span>
87 </div>
88 </form>
89 {{/html}}
91 #end
92 ##
94 ##
95 ##
96 #set ($userName = "$!request.u")
97 #set ($validationString = "$!request.v")
98 #set ($password = "$!request.p")
99 #set ($password2 = "$!request.p2")
100 #verifyRequest($userName $validationString $isValid)
101 {{/velocity}}
103 {{velocity}}
104 ##
105 ##
106 ## First, check if the page has programming rights, as nothing works otherwise
107 #if ($xwiki.hasProgrammingRights())
108 #if ($isValid)
109 #set ($vuserDoc = $xwiki.getDocumentAsAuthor($userName))
110 #if ($request.getParameterMap().containsKey('p'))## Second step, set the user password
111 #if($password == '')
112 #displayForm($services.localization.render('xe.admin.passwordReset.step2.error.emptyPassword') $userName $validationString)
113 #elseif($password != $password2)
114 #displayForm($services.localization.render('xe.admin.passwordReset.step2.error.verificationMismatch') $userName $validationString)
115 #else
116 $vuserDoc.getObject('XWiki.XWikiUsers').set('password', $password)
117 #set($discard = $vuserDoc.removeObjects($verifClass))
118 #set ($discard = $vuserDoc.saveAsAuthor($services.localization.render('xe.admin.passwordReset.step2.versionComment.passwordReset'), true))
119 {{info}}{{translation key="xe.admin.passwordReset.step2.success"/}} [[{{translation key="xe.admin.passwordReset.step2.login"/}}>>path:$xwiki.getURL('XWiki.XWikiLogin', 'login')]]{{/info}}
121 #end
122 #else## First step, request the user password
123 ## The user might not complete this step, and leave the URL in the (public) browser's
124 ## history. Prevent reusing the URL by invalidating the initial verification URL and only
125 ## post the new string in the hidden form data.
126 #set ($validationString = $util.generateRandomString(30))
127 #set ($discard = $vuserDoc.getObject($verifClass).set('verification', $validationString))
128 #set ($discard = $vuserDoc.saveAsAuthor($services.localization.render('xe.admin.passwordReset.step2.versionComment.changeValidationKey'), true))
129 #displayForm('' $userName $validationString)
130 #end
131 #else
133 {{error}}{{translation key="xe.admin.passwordReset.step2.error.wrongParameters"/}} [[{{translation key="xe.admin.passwordReset.step2.backToStep1"/}}>>ResetPassword]]{{/error}}
135 #end
136 ##
137 ## Clear private variables, so that they cannot be accessed from the rest of the page (comments, panels...)
138 #set ($validationString = '')
139 #set ($password = '')
140 #set ($password2 = '')
141 ##
142 ##
143 #else## No programming rights, warn and exit
145 {{error}}{{translation key="xe.admin.passwordReset.step2.error.noProgrammingRights"/}}{{/error}}
147 #end
148 {{/velocity}}