
Version 22.1 by Sorin Burjan on 2010/09/02 13:50

As tested on xwiki-enterprise-jetty-hsqldb-2.5-20100901.112158-117

  • Tag allows really long "word", but hasn't a limit for breaking them, and this could make the UI look bad. This affects ALL browsers, so not an IE issue.
  • On IE6, the rendering of the Add Tag window has a few problems. It will NOT stay like that if you hover the mouse over the 2 buttons. Hovering will redimension it to the normal size.
The Clicking the [+] buttonWhen TypingWhen hovering over Cancel or Save button
TagButtonClick.png TagTyping.png TagHoverOverButtons  


As tested on xwiki-enterprise-jetty-hsqldb-2.5-20100830.230400-114 

  • Buttons smaller in IE7 and not properly displayed on hover
 Button Button on hover
2.5 ButtonIE7in25.png HoverButtonIE7in25.png
2.4 ButtonIE7in24.png HoverButtonIE7in24.png
  • Buttons not displayed correctly in IE7 for the Wiki and Wysiwyg editor
2.5 EditWikiWysiwygIE7.png
  • "Edit parent" button not displayed correctly in IE8, missing in IE 6 & 7:
FF EditParentFF.png
IE8 EditParentIE8.png
IE6 & 7 EditParentIE67.png
  • Buttons not displayed correctly in IE7 when editing a blog post
IE7 EditBlogPostIE7.png
  • "Edit" menu doesn't display correctly when editing "Objects"

To Reproduce:

  • Edit a page objects
  • Hover over the "Edit" menu


  • In IE6: The "Select a class" dropdown is displayed over the "Edit" menu
  • In IE7: You can't click the "Class" link in the "Edit" menu
IE6 EditObjectsIE6.png
IE7 EditObjectsIE7.png
  • Summary in History for adding Attachments displays code, in addition to the attachment name

To reproduce:

  • Attach a file
  • Click on the History tab
  • Look at the summary for the page version where you added the attachment.


  • The summary is Upload new attachment <a href="/xwiki/bin/downloadrev/Main/WebHome/File.txt?rev=1.1">TestingPlan.txt</a> instead of Upload new attachment File.txt