
Last modified by Sorin Burjan on 2013/03/12 12:51

Suggestions Page


 Please put here your suggestions you have in order to improve the application 

  • (DONE) Management: there should be a way to actually manage stuff: add/remove browsers and platforms
    • (DONE) For example, delete links in the livetable, and an add entry after the livetable 
  • Platform: on the platform page there should be a livetable with the results on that platform
    • Also, a nice summary: X tests passed (on all browsers), Y tests partially passed (not all browsers tested so far, but all those tested passed), Z tests partially failed (at least one browser failed and one passed), T tests fully failed (on all browsers tested so far)
  • Browsers: same as for platforms, some status would be nice, but each platform should have its own section
    • The short summary can be replaced by a table, listing platform versions in order
    • With some nice colors, we can see how the support for a browser evolves in time
  • (DONE )Test running: Yes should be the default value for passed, to reduce the number of clicks needed
    • Statistics: This is contributor statistics, maybe it should just be called Hall of fame; I was actually expecting to see Platform X Browser tables with number of tests passed/failed
  • Test page: No results should be printed when there are no executions for a test
  • Does it support multiple applications? Currently it uses spaces as test categories, and we could say that in our case a product is made of several applications, and have a space per application. So testing XEM would just mean testing the Wiki Manager application on top of all the other XE tests.
    • Nested spaces would help here...
  • Test space: There should be a real homepage for each such space
    • Description of the category/application, products (XE/XEM/Reader...) where the application is bundled
    • (DONE)Livetable with tests in the space, again with a color-coded summary
    • (DONE)Link to add a new test
    • (Template, but not registered in a Template Provider)This could even be available as a space template
  • Releases pages: On the releases pages there should be links to the release notes (e.g. on this page)
  • Maybe we can mark supported browsers somehow? At least specify this info on each release page.
  • (DONE - To make it generic, I've removed the XWiki hardcoded and put Product) "XWiki Version upon last test was run" in the livetable could be "Latest XWiki version tested"
  • (DONE) "Browsers Tested" could be "Tested Browsers"
  • (DONE) "Actions" should be "Action" (there's one possible action > "Run test")
  • (DONE)There is no obvious way of getting back to the QA WebHome from a test page. We need to make sure the breadcrumb navigation is in place for all pages/spaces. A QA App Homepage button on each test page could be useful too, in case people don't think about using the breadcrumbs.
  • There is no possibility to filter tests performed for a certain version or to filter what's left to be tested for a version.
  • (We either archive old tests or simply remove them if they are obsolete) At some point we may have a lot of tests that no longer apply to the latest version, but that are still in the table as they have been tested for older versions. A lot of time may be spent trying to reproduce steps that no longer exist. How do we handle this?