Wiki source code of GoogleGadgetsImport

Last modified by Anca Luca on 2010/03/23 12:15

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Anamaria Stoica 1.1 1 {{velocity}}
2 ##
3 ## Get request parameters
4 #set($url = "$!{request.url}") ## google gadget url
5 #set($macroId = "$!{}")
6 #set($macroName = "$!{}")
7 #set($macroDocName = "Macros.${macroName}")
8 ##
9 ## Check parameters (all mandatory)
10 #if($url == '' || $macroId == '' || $macroName == '')
11 {{error}}Bad parameters. All parameters (gadget url, macro id and macro name) are mandatory.{{/error}}
12 #else
13 ##
14 ## Create macro document
15 #set($macroDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($macroDocName))
16 #if(!$macroDoc.isNew())
17 {{error}}A macro with this name already exists. See [[$macroDocName]].{{/error}}
18 ##
19 ## Check if a macro with the same macroId already exists
20 #elseif('' != "$!{macros.getMacroDescriptor($macroId)}")
21 {{error}}A macro with the same id ($macroId) already exists.{{/error}}
22 #else
23 ##
24 ## Create the macro
25 #set($macroObj = $macroDoc.newObject('XWiki.WikiMacroClass'))
26 #set($discard = $macroObj.set('id', $macroId))
27 #set($discard = $macroObj.set('name', $macroName))
28 #set($discard = $macroObj.set('defaultCategory', 'Google Gadget'))
29 #set($discard = $macroObj.set('visibility', 'Current Wiki'))
30 #set($discard = $macroObj.set('supportsInlineMode', 0))
31 #set($discard = $macroObj.set('contentType', 'No content'))
32 ##
33 ## Parse gadget XML for module prefs
34 #set($gModulePrefs = $gadgets.parseModulePrefs($url))
35 #set($discard = $macroObj.set('description', "$!{gModulePrefs.get('description')}"))
36 #set($thumbnail = "$!{gModulePrefs.get('thumbnail')}")
37 ##
38 #set($macroCode = "{{velocity}}\#set($gadgeturl = '" + $url + "') \#set($thumburl = '" + $thumbnail + "'){{/velocity}}" +
Anamaria Stoica 2.1 39 "{{include document='MacrosCode.GoogleGadgetsMacroCode'/}}")
Anamaria Stoica 1.1 40 #set($discard = $macroObj.set('code', $macroCode))
41 ##
42 ## Create default macro parameters: w, h, title
43 #set($paramObj = $macroDoc.newObject('XWiki.WikiMacroParameterClass'))
44 #set($discard = $paramObj.set('name', 'w'))
45 #set($discard = $paramObj.set('description', 'Width'))
46 #set($discard = $paramObj.set('mandatory', 0))
47 #set($discard = $paramObj.set('defaultValue', '300'))
48 ##
49 #set($paramObj = $macroDoc.newObject('XWiki.WikiMacroParameterClass'))
50 #set($discard = $paramObj.set('name', 'h'))
51 #set($discard = $paramObj.set('description', 'Height'))
52 #set($discard = $paramObj.set('mandatory', 0))
53 #set($discard = $paramObj.set('defaultValue', '300'))
54 ##
55 #set($paramObj = $macroDoc.newObject('XWiki.WikiMacroParameterClass'))
56 #set($discard = $paramObj.set('name', 'title'))
57 #set($discard = $paramObj.set('description', 'Title'))
58 #set($discard = $paramObj.set('mandatory', 0))
59 ##
60 ## Create gadget specific macro parameters
61 #set($gUserPrefs = $gadgets.parseUserPrefs($url))
62 #if("$!gUserPrefs" != '')
63 #foreach($userPref in $gUserPrefs)
64 ##
65 ## Create macro parameters for all UserPrefs except hidden data types
66 #if("$!{userPref.datatype}" != 'hidden')
67 #set($paramObj = $macroDoc.newObject('XWiki.WikiMacroParameterClass'))
68 ##
69 #set($discard = $paramObj.set('name', "up_$!{}"))
70 ##
71 #set($mandatory = 0)
72 #if("$!{userPref.required}" == 'true') #set($mandatory = 1) #end
73 #set($discard = $paramObj.set('mandatory', $mandatory))
74 ##
75 #set($up_desc = "$!{userPref.displayName}")
76 ##
77 ## For enum values, keep the allowed values in the description for now
78 #if (${userPref.datatype} == 'enum')
79 #set($up_desc = "${up_desc} - Allowed values:")
80 #foreach ($ev in ${userPref.enumValues})
81 #set($up_desc = "${up_desc} ${ev.value} (${ev.displayValue})")
82 #end
83 #end
84 ##
85 ## For really long list of enum values, keep only first 400 chars
86 #if($up_desc.length() > 400)
87 #set($up_desc = "${up_desc.substring(0, 400)}...")
88 #end
89 #set($discard = $paramObj.set('description', $up_desc))
90 ##
91 #set($discard = $paramObj.set('defaultValue', "$!{userPref.defaultValue}"))
92 #end
93 #end
94 ##
95 #set($discard = $
96 ##
97 #set($macroURL = $xwiki.getURL('Macros.Macro', 'view', "id=${macroId}"))
98 {{info}}Google Gadget imported successfully. See {{html}}<a href='${macroURL}'>$macroName</a>{{/html}}.{{/info}}
99 #else
100 {{error}}Error while parsing gadget at URL [[${url}]]{{/error}}
101 #end
102 #end
103 #end
104 {{/velocity}}