Wiki source code of XWikiOrgDownloadEnterprise1

Version 1.1 by Ecaterina Valica on 2011/02/16 17:21

Show last authors
1 ## Generate URL to OW2 XWiki files
2 #macro(dlurl $id)${id} #end
4 ##All sources can also be browsed and downloaded from the [Source Repository>dev:Community.SourceRepository].
6 #*
7 #error("The OW2 download servers are currently down. Please temporarily use the following links to download XWiki:
8 * [XWiki Enterprise files>]
9 * [XWiki Platform Standard WAR>]
10 * [XWiki Platform eXo WAR>]
11 * [XWiki Enterprise Manager files>]
12 * [XWiki Plugins>]
13 * [XWiki Applications>]")
14 *#
16 <div class="clearfloats"></div>
18 <div class="categoryDescription">
19 ##warning("The standalone package is not supposed to be used in production, since the embedded database does not support large wikis efficiently.")
20 </div>
22 <div class="upgrade">
24 <div class="download-link enterprise">
25 <span class="download-content">
26 <span class="download-title">[XWiki Enterprise>enterprise:Main.WebHome] </span>
27 <span class="download-action">Version 3.0-Milestone-2</span>
28 </span>
29 <span class="download-type">Latest
30 </span>
31 </div>
33 <div class="box floatinginfobox">
34 <table class="downloadInfo" summary="Download Info">
35 <tr>
36 <td class="label">Released on</td>
37 <td>8 Feb 2011</td>
38 </tr>
39 <tr>
40 <td class="label">Size</td>
41 <td>107MB</td>
42 </tr>
43 <tr>
44 <td class="label">Type</td>
45 <td>Installer (.exe)</td>
46 </tr>
47 <tr>
48 <td class="label">Platform</td>
49 <td>Windows</td>
50 </tr>
51 </table>
52 <a href="." class="extension-link small-extension-link download-extension enterprise">Download</a>
53 </div>
55 <div class="releaseNotes">
56 <ul>
57 <li>Full UI redesign of the administration application</li>
58 <li>Experimental filesystem attachment storage</li>
59 <li>PDF export improvements</li>
60 <li>WYSIWYG content editor bug fixes and improvements</li>
61 <li>More standardized UI forms</li>
62 </ul>
63 <p>For more information, see the <span class="wikilink"><a href="/xwiki/bin/view/ReleaseNotes/ReleaseNotesXWikiEnterprise30M1">full release notes</a></span>.</p>
64 <p class="secondary">If you're a first time user we recommend that you use the installer to get up to speed quickly. Once you're more familiar with XWiki you might want to set it up on your own database or in your own container, in which case you'll then be able to download the WAR file and set it up and use the XAR file to load a default set of pages.</p>
65 <p class="secondary">The standalone package provided by the installer is not supposed to be used in production, since the embedded database does not support large wikis efficiently.</p>
66 <p class="secondary">This standalone package contains a Jetty container and an HSQLDB database all set up. Keep in mind that it requires administrator rights on the target OS, if you don't have those rights use the ZIP file below. For any other problem check out the [installation help>platform:AdminGuide.Installation#HInstallingtheStandalonedistribution].</p>
67 </div>
68 <div class="clearfloats"></div>
70 </div>
72 #*
73 ## Older Stable versions
74 #set($versionOlderStable = "2.6.1")
75 #set($enterpriseInstallerGenericOlderStable = 16205)
76 #set($enterpriseInstallerWindowsOlderStable = 16206)
77 #set($enterpriseJettyHsqldbOlderStable = 16207)
78 #set($enterpriseWebOlderStable = 16208)
79 #set($enterpriseWikiOlderStable = 16209)
80 *#
82 ## Stable versions
83 #set($versionStable = "2.7")
84 #set($enterpriseInstallerGenericStable = 16032)
85 #set($enterpriseInstallerWindowsStable = 16033)
86 #set($enterpriseJettyHsqldbStable = 16034)
87 #set($enterpriseWebStable = 16035)
88 #set($enterpriseWikiStable = 16036)
90 ## Dev versions
91 #set($versionDev = "3.0-milestone-2")
92 #set($enterpriseInstallerGenericDev = 16266)
93 #set($enterpriseInstallerWindowsDev = 16265)
94 #set($enterpriseJettyHsqldbDev = 16267)
95 #set($enterpriseWebDev = 16268)
96 #set($enterpriseWikiDev = 16269)
98 #macro(administratorwarning)This installer requires administrator rights on the target OS, if you don't have those rights use the ZIP file below.#end
100 <p class="releaseNotes">Other distributions:</p>
101 {table}
102 Platform|Type|Description|Installation Help|Download
103 All |JAR file |Graphical Installer that works on all platforms but requires Java to execute. Should be used by first-time users on non-Windows systems. #administratorwarning() |[Instructions>platform:AdminGuide.Installation#HInstallingtheStandalonedistribution] |[xwiki-enterprise-installer-generic-${versionDev}-standard.jar>#dlurl($enterpriseInstallerGenericDev)]
104 All |ZIP file |Standalone installation including a Jetty container and an HSQLDB database all set up, packaged as a ZIP file. Should be used by first-time users who do not need/want to use one of the installers above.|[Instructions>platform:AdminGuide.Installation#HInstallingtheStandalonedistribution]| [xwiki-enterprise-jetty-hsqldb-${versionDev}.zip>#dlurl($enterpriseJettyHsqldbDev)]
105 All |WAR file |WAR file that needs to be installed in a Container. A database also needs to be set up and configured. This is for more advanced users wanting to choose their container and their database.|[Instructions>platform:AdminGuide.Installation#HInstallingtheXWikiWARmanually]| [xwiki-enterprise-web-${versionDev}.war>#dlurl($enterpriseWebDev)]
106 All |XAR file |A default set of XWiki pages which you can load in an empty XWiki instance.|[Instructions>platform:AdminGuide.Installation#HInstallingtheDefaultWikiXAR] | [xwiki-enterprise-wiki-${versionDev}.xar>#dlurl($enterpriseWikiDev)]
107 {table}
109 Looking for [older versions>] of XWiki Enterprise?
111 #includeInContext("Improvements.XWikiOrgDownloadOther")