Watchlist Improvements

Version 16.1 by Ecaterina Valica on 2009/07/07 11:57

Watchlist Improvements



  • Different naming notations:
    • Watch this page
      • Watch page: WatchList
    • Watch space: Improvements (but this way offers more information )
      • Watch this space
  • Need a way to add pages/spaces to Watchlist without being on that actually page - Add Watch
  • Remove from Watchlist = unwatch - just like in the menu "Unwatch page/space"
  • Watchlist for User = My Watchlist - more personal
  • Space = All pages in the space
    • Mark with * or "All"
      • * more criptic, but more easy to spot in a list
  • Possibility to subscribe to Watchlist or individual interest pages in a single interface, without the need to go to the specific pages

Other features

  • Possibility to filter for the latest modified space/page
    • Show the last modification date
    • Filter by recent
  • Statistics with most active pages / spaces
    • number of lines added
    • number of comments/attachements added
  • See modification type: text, comment, attachement
    • just like the dashboard - but for specific/interest pages/spaces
  • Offer the possibility to enable/disable a page/space watched without deleting it
    • good if you want to create specific RSS feeds, containing just parts of your Watchlist
  • The ability to create multiple Watchlists: on different topics
    • if this would be used on departments: have a Programming Watchlist, a Design Watchlist (i am interested in both)


  1. WatchListOptionEmpty.png
  2. WatchListOptionMinimal.png
  3. WatchListOptionSemi.png
  4. WatchListOptionFull.png