Create Wiki - Workspace Improvements

Version 24.5 by Ecaterina Valica on 2013/07/30 13:02
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Community Feedback

[UX][Iteration]   (, 2013)


  • Support for both workspace mode and farm mode

Option A

Create Workspace in the Add Menu
Create Wiki in Administration


  • (+/-) Wiki creation more hidden (but is a rare action, done only by admins (advanced users) that are familiar to Administration)


  • Separate User functionality (found in the menu) from Admin functionality (found in the Administration area)

Option B

Option in the create wizard: choose if you want a wiki or a workspace


  • For normal users, the type area will contain just one item: Workspaces, being a bit redundant
  • Duplicated functionality for admins: in the Create step and in the Administration (for the wiki details and users management)


  • Only one concept: Wiki. The type will be implemented using templates.
  • The type (templates) zone is extensible in case we will want to add a new one

Option C

Add Menu: Wiki, Workspace


  • Mixing User functionality (the ability to create Workspaces) with Admin functionality (the ability to create Wikis)
  • Confusing for users that don't know the difference between Wiki and Workspaces
  • Crowding the menu with an option that is rarely used


  • Customizable, we could have an option to disable one way of creating wikis or another