Blog Analysis

Version 52.1 by Ecaterina Valica on 2009/05/14 17:36
Warning: For security reasons, the document is displayed in restricted mode as it is not the current version. There may be differences and errors due to this.

Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [The execution of the [velocity] script macro is not allowed in [incubator:Improvements.BlogAnalysis]. Check the rights of its last author or the parameters if it's rendered from another script.]. Click on this message for details.


  • Blog
  • Post
    • (Post, Article, Entry, Page); 
    • (Create, Add) new post; 
    • (Delete, Remove) this post;
  • Comment
  • Tag
  • Categories

Icons + Actions  (Add, Edit, Delete, View, Manage)


  • Post
    • Add
      • (Add post)
      • Add categories for post
      • Add tags for post
    • Edit
      • (Edit post)
      • Edit categories for post
      • Edit tags for post
        • Edit post
        • Post#information
    • Delete post
    • View Posts
      • All Posts
      • Published Posts
        • Published Posts  Panel
      • Unpublished Posts
        • Unpublished Posts Panel
      • Arhived Posts
        • Blog Arhive Panel
    • Published post
    • Unpublished post (+ Scheduled post) (+Hide post)
    •  Manage  posts

Related Actions

  • Add / Edit Posts (contain the same structure with empty / filled fields)
  • Published / Unpublished icons (contrastant as actions) 




  • can I change my blog's theme? appearence? to be different from the current skin? 
  • can I change just an article's theme?
  • will we integrate statistics for the blog? nr. of posts, visitors, comments? categories, tags? 
  • will I have a special options where I can say that I want to have <html> code integrated?
  • can I post with code content? <code> tags in the content?
  • will I have WYSIWYG editor active?
  • do we show a tag cloud?
  • do we show category cloud?
  • do we show related posts?
    • can we have related blogs on multiple spaces?


"Create new post" should be up, always in the same place, regarding the increasing posts that take it down in page

  • display in Dashboard Blog Post different then Wiki Pages


  • can we have threaded comments?
  • do we special represent the comment of the holder of the blog? or the author?
    • this could be done quering the rights - the one that have delete/edit rights can be special represented than the readers? they will be representing the "editors" 

Blog Settings

  • how do I fast change the name of my blog? can I have an edit clue on the right?


The blog is a typical XWiki application:

  • It requires a creation form to create new articles
  • It lists existing items with a custom display
  • A blog post has its specific page with a custom look
  • Blog posts can be edited as forms (inline mode)

Stuff to improve

  • Creating a new blog post
              o Step 1 -> create the page
              o Step 2 -> fill in the fields
  • Edit / view a blog post
              o Look of the blog post page