Last modified by Ecaterina Valica on 2014/01/15 13:50

  • Ecaterina Valica
    Ecaterina Valica, 2011/06/22 11:59

    I don't think we will need a livetable to list all the events since you can see/delete/edit all events in the year/month/week views. The calendar events are much powerful when they are in a timeline than seeing them in a list.

    Also I don't think is necessary the concept of categories when you can have multiple calendars. Right now in Google Calendar you can create multiple calendars and attribute each calendar a goal (have a personal one, a xwiki one, a birthday, etc). In this use case the concept of categories is replaced by multiple calendars. 

    • Eduard Moraru
      Eduard Moraru, 2011/06/22 12:35

      I agree with this.

      We should have a 2 views:

      1. Individual calendar view, that should be available on each calendar's space WebHome
        2. Aggregated calendar view for all the calendars and events that are visible to the current user. This could be a new tab in the user's profile (harder for an application to extend right now) or, alternatively, in the Calendar application's space WebHome (easier and makes the Calendar application space useful).

      The event livetable might be useful for an 'advanced search' functionality, allowing to filter events nicely.