The default XWiki Skins

  A XWiki Enterprise instance contains by default a list of Skins like: 

  • the albatross Skin {svn}
  • the toucan Skin {svn}
  • the colibri Skin {svn} and
  • other skins ( the full list of XWiki Skins that are included in your XWiki Enterprise instance can be found on the server filesystem, inside the webapps/xwiki/skins folder )

A. CSS files

A.1 Independent CSS Components


A.2 Skin Dependent CSS

  • specific css files for every skin
  • style.css
  • print.css
  • microformats.css
  • ie.css files for IE support (ie-6.css, ie-all.css)
  • main css: toucan.css, colibri.css

B. Skin CSS Classes

B.1 Skins Layout