Changes for page User Directory

Last modified by Ecaterina Valica on 2016/11/17 15:21

From version 18.1
edited by Ecaterina Valica
on 2016/11/17 15:21
Change comment: Install extension [org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-user-directory-ui-8.2.1]
To version 14.1
edited by Admin
on 2012/08/06 21:13
Change comment: Imported from XAR



Page properties
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
1 -$services.localization.render('xe.userdirectory.title')
1 +$msg.get("xe.userdirectory.title")
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
1 -XWiki.evalica
1 +xwiki:XWiki.Admin
... ... @@ -1,6 +3,176 @@
1 -{{include reference='XWiki.UserDirectoryMacros'/}}
2 -
3 3  {{velocity}}
4 -#displayUserDirectory(true)
5 -#set($docextras=[])
2 +#set ($xwikiUsersClassReference = $services.model.createDocumentReference($xcontext.database, 'XWiki', 'XWikiUsers'))
3 +#set ($xwikiUsersClassName = $services.model.serialize($xwikiUsersClassReference))
4 +#set ($xwikiUsersClass = $xwiki.getClass($xwikiUsersClassName))
5 +#set ($directoryPreferencesClassReference = $services.model.createDocumentReference($xcontext.database, 'XWiki', 'UserDirectoryPreferencesClass'))
6 +#set ($directoryPreferencesClassName = $services.model.serialize($directoryPreferencesClassReference))
7 +##
8 +## Set the fixed columns that we want the user directory to always show.
9 +#set ($columns = ['_avatar', 'doc.fullName'])
10 +##
11 +## The columns that the user directory will default to when no user preferences exist or when the user resets to default.
12 +#set ($defaultColumns = ['first_name', 'last_name'])
13 +#set ($defaultColumnsString = $stringtool.join($defaultColumns, ' '))
14 +#set ($isCustomized = false)
15 +##
16 +## Guests and superadmin don't have an user profile and, therefore, no preferences. Offer default.
17 +#if ($isGuest || $isSuperAdmin)
18 + #if ($isGuest)
19 + {{info}}$msg.get('xe.userdirectory.canCustomizeInfoGuest', "path:$doc.getURL('login')"){{/info}}
20 + #end
21 + ## Use the default columns for guests or superadmin.
22 + #set ($discard = $columns.addAll($defaultColumns))
23 + ## Fake a user (in-memory) object inside a fake user profile page in order to be able to nicely display translated property pretty names of the XWikiUsers class.
24 + #set ($userPreferences = $doc)
25 + #set ($fakeUser = $doc.newObject($xwikiUsersClassName))
26 +#else
27 + ## User is logged in.
28 + #set ($userPreferences = $xwiki.getDocument($xcontext.userReference))
29 + #set ($userPreference = $userPreferences.getObject($directoryPreferencesClassName))
30 + #if (!$userPreference)
31 + ## Fake a user directory preference (in-memory) object just to be able to display the default values nicely.
32 + #set ($userPreference = $userPreferences.newObject($directoryPreferencesClassName))
33 + #set ($discard = $userPreference.set('columns', $defaultColumnsString))
34 + #end
35 + ##
36 + ## Read the user's preferences and build the list of columns to display.
37 + #set ($userColumnsString = $!{userPreference.getProperty('columns').value.trim()})
38 + #foreach ($column in $userColumnsString.split('\s+'))
39 + ## Skip invalid or duplicate columns. Duplicate columns break the livetable filtering query.
40 + #if ($column.trim() != '' && $xwikiUsersClass.get($column) && !$columns.contains($column))
41 + #set ($discard = $columns.add($column))
42 + #end
43 + #end
44 + ##
45 + ## Check if they are the default preferences.
46 + #if ($userColumnsString != $defaultColumnsString)
47 + ## Mark it as a customized user directory.
48 + #set ($isCustomized = true)
49 + #end
50 + ##
51 + #set ($xredirect = $doc.getURL($xcontext.action, ${request.queryString}))
52 + ##
53 + ## Ability to customize the view.
54 + ##
55 + #if ($request.customize == 'true')
56 + #if ("$!request.action" != '')
57 + #if ($request.action == 'add')
58 + #set ($columnToAdd = $request.value.trim())
59 + #if (!$columns.contains($columnToAdd))
60 + #set ($userColumnsString = "$!userColumnsString $columnToAdd")
61 + #set ($userColumnsString = $userColumnsString.trim())
62 + #set ($discard = $userPreference.set('columns', $userColumnsString))
63 + #set ($discard = $'Updated user directory preferences.'))
64 + #end
65 + #elseif ($request.action == 'reset')
66 + #set ($discard = $userPreferences.removeObject($userPreference))
67 + #set ($discard = $'Reset user directory preferences.'))
68 + #elseif ($request.action == 'save')
69 + #set ($discard = $userPreferences.updateObjectFromRequest($directoryPreferencesClassName))
70 + #set ($discard = $'Updated user directory preferences.'))
71 + #end
72 + ## Redirect using xredirect so that the page can be safely refreshed after an action.
73 + $response.sendRedirect($request.xredirect)
74 + #stop()
75 + #end
76 + ##
77 + ## Customize form. Note: Using 2 forms to be able to do everything without JavaScript.
78 + ##
79 + == $msg.get('xe.userdirectory.customizeColumnsTitle') ==
80 + {{html clean='false' wiki='true'}}
81 + <form class='xform half' action="$doc.getURL($xcontext.action, $request.queryString)" method='post'>
82 + <dl>
83 + <dt class='label'>
84 + <label>$msg.get('xe.userdirectory.customizeAvailableColumnsLabel')</label>
85 + <span class='xHint'>$msg.get('xe.userdirectory.customizeAvailableColumnsHint')</span>
86 + </dt>
87 + <dd>
88 + <select name='value'>
89 + #foreach ($property in $
90 + ## Display translated class property pretty names.
91 + <option value="$">$userPreferences.displayPrettyName($</option>
92 + #end
93 + </select>
94 + </dd>
95 + <dt>
96 + <input type='hidden' name='xredirect' value="$xredirect" />
97 + <input type='hidden' name='action' value='add' />
98 + <span class='buttonwrapper'>
99 + <input type='submit' class='button' name='submit' value='$msg.get('xe.userdirectory.customizeAddColumnButtonLabel')' />
100 + </span>
101 + </dt>
102 + </dl>
103 + </form>
104 + <form class='xform half' action="$doc.getURL($xcontext.action, $request.queryString)" method='post'>
105 + <dl>
106 + <dt>
107 + <label>$msg.get('xe.userdirectory.customizeSelectedColumnsLabel')</label>
108 + <span class='xHint'>$msg.get('xe.userdirectory.customizeSelectedColumnsHint')</span>
109 + </dt>
110 + <dd>$userPreferences.display('columns', 'edit', $userPreference)</dd>
111 + <dt>
112 + <input type='hidden' name='xredirect' value="$xredirect" />
113 + <input type='hidden' name='action' value='save' />
114 + <span class='buttonwrapper'>
115 + <input class='button' type='submit' name='submit' value="$msg.get('xe.userdirectory.customizeSaveButtonLabel')"/>
116 + </span>
117 + <span class="buttonwrapper">
118 + <a href="$doc.getURL($xcontext.action, "$request.queryString&amp;action=reset&amp;xredirect=$escapetool.url($xredirect)")" class='button secondary'>$msg.get('xe.userdirectory.customizeResetButtonLabel')</a>
119 + </span>
120 + </dt>
121 + </dl>
122 + </form>
123 + ##
124 + <h2>$msg.get('xe.userdirectory.customizePreviewTitle')</h2>
125 + {{/html}}
126 + #elseif ($isCustomized)
127 + {{warning}}$msg.get('xe.userdirectory.isCustomizedWarning', ["$doc.fullName", "customize=true&action=reset&xredirect=$escapetool.url($xredirect)", "$doc.fullName", 'customize=true']){{/warning}}
128 + #else
129 + {{info}}$msg.get('xe.userdirectory.canCustomizeInfo', ["$doc.fullName", 'customize=true']){{/info}}
130 + #end
131 +#end
132 +##
133 +## Build and display the resulting livetable.
134 +##
135 +#set($columnsProperties = {})
136 +##
137 +#foreach ($column in $columns)
138 + #set ($filterable = true)
139 + #set ($sortable = true)
140 + #set ($type = 'text')
141 + #set ($link = '')
142 + #set ($html = false)
143 + #set ($displayName = $userPreferences.displayPrettyName($column))
144 + #set ($classPropertyType = $xwikiUsersClass.get($column).type)
145 + #if ($column == '_avatar')
146 + #set ($type = 'none')
147 + #set ($html = true)
148 + #set ($sortable = false)
149 + #set ($link = 'view')
150 + #elseif ($column == 'doc.fullName')
151 + #set ($link = 'view')
152 + #elseif ($classPropertyType.endsWith('ListClass'))
153 + #set($type = 'list')
154 + #elseif ($classPropertyType.endsWith('NumberClass'))
155 + #set($type = 'number')
156 + #elseif ($classPropertyType.endsWith('PasswordClass'))
157 + #set($sortable = false)
158 + #end
159 + #set ($columnValue = { 'type' : $type, 'link' : $link, 'html' : $html, 'sortable' : $sortable, 'displayName' : $displayName })
160 + #set ($discard = $columnsProperties.put($column, $columnValue))
161 +#end
162 +##
163 +## Allow other applications to provide a different data source for the user directory livetable. For example, some application might define a different membership relation.
164 +#set ($userDirectoryLivetableResultsReference = $services.model.createDocumentReference($xcontext.database, 'XWiki', 'UserDirectoryLivetableResultsOverride'))
165 +#if (!$xwiki.exists($userDirectoryLivetableResultsReference))
166 + ## If no override is present, use the default data source.
167 + #set ($userDirectoryLivetableResultsReference = $services.model.createDocumentReference($xcontext.database, 'XWiki', 'UserDirectoryLivetableResults'))
168 +#end
169 +#set ($options = {
170 + 'resultPage' : "$services.model.serialize($userDirectoryLivetableResultsReference)",
171 + 'translationPrefix' : 'xe.userdirectory.',
172 + 'tagCloud' : true,
173 + 'rowCount': 10
174 +})
175 +#livetable('userdirectory' $columns $columnsProperties $options)
6 6  {{/velocity}}
Caching policy
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,0 @@
1 -long
... ... @@ -1,41 +1,0 @@
1 -(function(){
2 -
3 - /**
4 - * Init
5 - */
6 - function init() {
7 - var userScope = $('userScopeFilter');
8 - if (userScope === null) {
9 - // Nothing to do
10 - return;
11 - }
12 - userScope.observe('change', onUserScopeChange);
13 - }
14 -
15 - function onUserScopeChange(event) {
16 - var value = $('userScopeFilter').value;
17 - var livetable = window["livetable_userdirectory"];
18 - var url = livetable.getUrl;
19 - if ("userScope=") >= 0) {
20 - // Replace the old value
21 - if (value == 'local') {
22 - url = url.replace("userScope=global", "userScope=local");
23 - } else {
24 - url = url.replace("userScope=local", "userScope=global");
25 - }
26 - } else {
27 - url = url + "&userScope=" + value;
28 - }
29 - livetable.getUrl = url;
30 - // Reload the livetable
31 - livetable.clearCache();
32 - livetable.showRows(1, livetable.limit);
33 - }
34 -
35 - /**
36 - * Call Init
37 - */
38 - (XWiki && XWiki.domIsLoaded && init()) || document.observe("xwiki:dom:loaded", init);
39 -
40 -})();
41 -
Use this extension
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,0 @@
1 -onDemand
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,0 @@
1 -Dynamic filter for user scope
Parse content
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,0 @@
1 -No