Google Gadgets Integration Demo

Gadgets/Macros Directory


Dashboard Test



Macro - macro page - displays any macro given its id (use ?id=macroid as GET parameter, e.g. Macros.Macro?id=wc99)
Dashboard (Macros.Macro?id=dashboard) - the Dashboard Macro
wc99 (Macros.Macro?id=wc99) - XWiki Wiki Macro originated from a Google Gadget (World Clocks Gadget)
My Recent Modifications (Macros.Macro?id=myrecentmodifications) - XWiki Wiki Macro originated from a Panel
Blog Categories (Macros.Macro?id=blogcategories) - XWiki Wiki Macro originated from a Panel
Members (Macros.Macro?id=members) - XWiki Wiki Macro originated from a Panel


GoogleGadgetsImport - Code snippet that imports a Google Gadget as a XWiki Wiki Macro
XWikiPanelsImport - Code snippet that imports a Panel as a XWiki Wiki Macro

Used by Dashboard Macro

GoogleGadgetsMacroCode - Displays the content of a Gadget Macro (it's included by the code of any Macro originated from a Google Gadget)