Use Case Group 1

  • Use Cases provided by Fabio Mancinelli
Userstory #1

As a normal user want to see a summary of the activities of the users I am interested in

Userstory #2

As a normal user want to follow the activities of another user

Userstory #3

As a normal user want to control who is following by accepting/rejecting following requests

Userstory #4

As a normal user I want to know who are the users in my neighbourhood (i.e., the users I follow)

Userstory #5

As a normal user I want to broadcast status messages to my neighbourhood (i.e., the users I follow)

Userstory #6

As a normal user I want to have a view of the activity of my neighbourhood (i.e., the users I follow)

Userstory #7

As a normal user I want to have an aggregated view of the activity in the workspaces I am part of

Userstory #8

As a normal user I want to filter the events I am not interested in

Use Case Group 2