User Profile Improvements


  • Make the user profile more relevant 
  • Make currently available actions (add photo, change password) more intuitive
  • Make the profile look nicer
  • Think about how some new features could be added

JIRA Issues

Stuff always requested by our customers

  • See the user's phone number
  • See the user's email address

Stuff sometimes requested by our customers

  • See the user's deparmtment (sales, tech, marketing, other)
  • Display the user's boss name and a link towards his/her profile

Other stuff we may want to add to the page

  • A way for users to manage their preferences (preferred editor, simple/advanced mode, default language)
  • Display the 10-15 last pages modified (created / edited / commented to) by the user
  • Display the groups the user belongs to
  • Display a box to enter a status and display the 10 latest status messages