Easy XWiki


Caty, Eddy, Thomas M, Meryame, Thomas E.


Just installed the wiki

During the installation i selected french but my wiki is in english, why ?

  • I'm an admin, I arrive on my wiki freshly installed but I don't know what is the Admin account.
    • I don't had any info about that account in the installation process
    • There is no info in the Mainpage content
    • So I have to go back to XWiki.Org  XWiki.com  and find the info 

We maybe should explain this directly in the introduction sentence

  • I can see a lot of recent changes but i just installed my Wiki, what is this ?

On a fresh install we should have an empty recent changes bloc
There is changes signed by nobody, a ghost ?
Do we need still need a sandbox ? Caty is not convinced of it

  • In the "tags" bloc of text, we can't see the User Guide link, we should put it in bold
  • What is Meta ? I see in bold in the right panel that we are talking about a "Meta + G" combo to do a search

Definitely we need an help panel between search & quicklinks

I'm now logged in

  • Ow, there is now a lot of new spaces, what are this spaces ?
  • Ok, now i want to create my users, I first check in the create panel, nothing here.

We really need a process (a configuration helper in the wiki freshly installed) to guide the admin

  • On my linux firefox, "My recent changes" is displayed on 2 lines. Not very clean
  • I suppose that creation of users is in the admin
    • When i put my mouse on "Administration" I have "Administer wiki" or "Administer space : Main", When i'm on the admin page I have "Administer wiki" or "Administer space : XWiki"
  • I am now on the global admin page

We should add a description sentence under each icon to explain what is the aim of the category
OpenOffice Server should not be here
We should order the categories in a logical order like alphabetical or by type of functionnalities (all the things related to the users...

  • I now click on user admin

"Show the available categories" is just under "Wiki administration", is it related ? No, so it should not be here

  • I now click on create a new user

The lightbox is not styled
No information about the different fields
We should have something to generate a password instead of having to enter a password, reapeat it etc
There is an Email Address, we can suppose that the user will receive something, info about his account, but no
*We should have info about mandatory optionnal fields
If I don't put the same password in the 2 fields, i close the lightbox and lost all i entered
We maybe should have two buttons in the lightbox "save" to create the user, and "save and send" to save and send info about the account by email
There is confusion between filter in the top of the table and a create user form

  • My user is created !

Its password doesnt appears on the list, nothing on it's profile, even if i edit there's nothing : i have to edit the sheet or the objects to change it

  • Now i want to create a group for the user, so I go to the group admin page

What are XWikiAdminGroup and XWikiAllGroup ??
How do i edit a groupname
We are mixing page name and group name, so if we want to rename the group we have to rename the page and it breaks everything
We should have a "pretty group name" field and that's what we should display in the list instead of the pagename 

  • I clicked on a groupname and now i'm on the group detail page

How can i add user to this group (i have to click to edit, but that's not clear)

  • I go back to the group admin page

Why when creating a group and try to add users  i have local and global ? what is this ? I'm on a XE

  • I move to the rights page

We should have inherited rights
We should have warning / info concerning the rights setted for AdminGroup and AllGroup
When we click on a right it's taken in account directly, we can't cancel what we did, we can't go back to a previous
