• Visibility
    • Local
    • Global
  • Status
    • Default(represent it)
    • Allow
    • Deny
  • Assignee
    • User
      • Unregistered
      • Registered
    • Group 
  • Actions
    • View existing rights: default, allowed/denied given rights
    • Add specific rules
    • Remove the specific added rules


  • Describe more explicit the rights meaning (they apply to pages/objects/etc?)
    • Remind the user what each right signifies
    • Use Details overlays (tooltips) to do that
  • Rights visualization
    • Show Default rights 
    • Show Inherited rights
      The "Edit" right should automatically inherit the "View" right XWIKI-4491
      Make inherited rights visible in the Rights Management UI XWIKI-2636 + XWIKI-3835
    • Specify that we have rights for document  creators
      "creator" special value for rights management XWIKI-1769
      • They should not go from one view to another, but they should be able to see the inheritance they got from upper levels:
        • If users only have the space admin right then they are only directed to the space admin.
          • They cannot switch space from this admin. 
        • Global admin are directed to the usual interface which gives access to the global and space admins.
        • An administrator should be able to disable per page access rights.
  • Users and groups can be either managed in the global wiki (xwiki: prefix) or in the local wiki, or in both
    • We need a visual way to distinguish the global and local groups (hidding the xwiki: prefix)
  • Apply button for Rights management
    • It would be better if we have a "Apply" and "Cancel" buttons so we can do the changes but only commit when we click on the apply/submit button

Use cases

  • How do I make my XWiki hidden/private? (only registered users can view/edit)
  • How do I make my XWiki locked? (admins only can create a new account)
  • Many mistakes are made when managing rights because:
    • the meaning of the different fields is not clear
    • which text to enter in the fields is not clear
    • the cascading of the rights between xwiki, space and document is not clear
  • We need the following improvements:
    • Easier access to user and groups. Select or add any user or groups. Add to groups on the fly.
    • Easier understanding of view/edit/comment/admin rights
    • Visual understanding of rights inheritance (rights from the upper level replace or not at the current level)
  • view all the rights on the wiki (global rights + space specific rights + pages specific rights)
  • Display rights in:
    • Rights Administration for Wiki Level
    • Rights Administration for Space Level
    • Rights Administration for Page Level -> Edit - Rights
    • User Profile 

Users & Groups

Allow checking what groups a user belongs to using the Rights Management UI XWIKI-2449
See to which groups a user belongs to XWIKI-1901

Rights Visualization

 Ability to filter users/groups by granted rights in the new Rights Management UIXWIKI-2410
 Configurable Access Rights granularity XWIKI-2183
 Disabling elements
 Disable actions that you don't have the right for it
 Hide "Export as XAR" from Menu if you don't have Admin rights XE-498