Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [The execution of the [velocity] script macro is not allowed in [incubator:Improvements.RightsProposal]. Check the rights of its last author or the parameters if it's rendered from another script.]. Click on this message for details.

Rights Proposal

explicit the meaning of the different fields through tooltips and describing text


Adding an user

  • Existing groups declarations
  • Adding "evalica" user using the auto-suggest:
  • Enter or hit the add button:
  • Modified fields (users/rights) are marked highlighted, the "Save/Reset" actions are shown (they will disappear after save):

Removing an user


  • Hover on the desired user. Click on the "X" ("Remove users")
  • Obs: If the users or roles have not been declared at this level, they cannot be deleted here.


Rights Types

Rights text color has 3 states: 

inherited, allow, deny

on Click
on Hover

Changing Rights

Apply rights

Visualization mode: basic / advanced

summary view present the common rights
(V/C/E/D/A/(R/P)) using icons, and a last icon would be used to mention
there is more special rights either inherited, allowed or denied
This is a signal that extended
rights are in use

Changing common rights would be allowed in collapsed mode and expanded
mode, but changing special rights would only be allowed in expanded view

that only "advanced user" (those marked so in their profile),
has access to the expanded view.


Rows could be expanded individually or globally so if you want a more
detailled information, you may reach it either for a single user or all at


  • to Add: "Click to add level" -> Input -> Enter
  • to Change level: Click on the Level
  • to Remove: X ("Remove level")


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