Changes for page Rights3Wiki

Last modified by Ecaterina Moraru on 2013/11/13 12:49

From version 3.1
edited by Ecaterina Moraru
on 2013/11/13 12:49
Change comment: Moved page to
To version 2.1
edited by Ecaterina Valica
on 2010/05/18 11:03
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
1 -xwiki:XWiki.risherry
1 +XWiki.evalica
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,290 @@
1 -{{warning}}Moved to [[>>]]{{/warning}}
1 +{{velocity}}
2 +#set ($ok = $xwiki.ssx.use("Improvements.Rights3Wiki"))
3 +#set ($ok = $xwiki.ssx.use("XWiki.AdminSheet"))
4 +#set ($ok = $xwiki.jsx.use("Improvements.Rights3Wiki"))
5 +#set ($ok = $xwiki.ssfx.use("js/xwiki/table/livetable.css", true))
6 +#set ($ok = $xwiki.ssfx.use('js/xwiki/importer/import.css', true))
7 +#set ($ok = $xwiki.jsfx.use('js/xwiki/editors/dataeditors.js', true))
8 +{{html wiki="true"}}
9 +<div class="rightsUI" id="xwikiobjects">
10 +<div id="admin-page-header">
11 + <div class="admin-page-header-spacer">&nbsp;</div>
12 + <div class="explicationHeader">
13 + <h1 id="admin-header">Rights Management</h1>
14 + <div class="inheritanceLevel">
15 + <span class="inheritedRight"><span class="help" style="cursor: help;" title="Rights are inherited if they are set in a higher hierarchy level. For example, a Page inherits all rights set for the Space it belongs to and also all the rights set for the Wiki it belongs to. The same happens for a User whom inherits all rights set for the Group he is part of">Inheritance</span></span> Level:
16 + <span class="wiki" title="Wiki level"><span class="tag-wrapper"><a href="#">XWiki</a></span></span> <span class="separator">&#0187;</span> <span class="more" title="Click to add level"><a href="#">&hellip;</a></span>
17 + </div>
18 + </div>
19 + <div id="change-context">
20 + <label class="hidden" for="goto-select">Place to administer</label>
21 + <select id="goto-select">
22 + <optgroup label="Edit Wiki preferences:">
23 + <option selected="selected" value="/xwiki/bin/admin/XWiki/XWikiPreferences">Wiki administration</option>
24 + </optgroup>
25 + <optgroup label="Edit space preferences: ">
26 + <option value="/xwiki/bin/admin/AnnotationCode/WebPreferences">AnnotationCode</option>
27 + <option value="/xwiki/bin/admin/Blog/WebPreferences">Blog</option>
28 + <option value="/xwiki/bin/admin/ColorThemes/WebPreferences">ColorThemes</option>
29 + <option value="/xwiki/bin/admin/Improvements/WebPreferences">Improvements</option>
30 + <option value="/xwiki/bin/admin/Main/WebPreferences">Main</option>
31 + <option value="/xwiki/bin/admin/Panels/WebPreferences">Panels</option>
32 + <option value="/xwiki/bin/admin/Sandbox/WebPreferences">Sandbox</option>
33 + <option value="/xwiki/bin/admin/Scheduler/WebPreferences">Scheduler</option>
34 + <option value="/xwiki/bin/admin/Stats/WebPreferences">Stats</option>
35 + <option value="/xwiki/bin/admin/XWiki/WebPreferences">XWiki</option>
36 + </optgroup>
37 + </select>
38 + <br><span class="buttonwrapper" id="showsectionswrapper"><a href="/xwiki/bin/admin/XWiki/XWikiPreferences" id="showsections">Show the available categories</a></span>
39 + <span class="hidden buttonwrapper" id="hidesectionswrapper"><a href="/xwiki/bin/admin/XWiki/XWikiPreferences" id="hidesections">Hide the available categories</a></span> </div> <div class="admin-page-header-spacer">&nbsp;</div>
40 + </div>
41 +
42 +<div class="leftMargin column45">
43 +<div class="rightSection">
44 + <div class="xclass1 collapsable">
45 + <div class="explication2Header xclass-title">
46 + <span class="savedExpand "><span class="colorHeader">Wiki Rights</span></span>
47 + <div class="xHelpLabel">add users that have specific roles for this level</div>
48 + </div>
49 + <div class="xclass-content">
50 + <table summary="" id="alldocs" class="xwiki-livetable">
51 + <tbody
52 + <tr><td class="xwiki-livetable-display-container">
53 + <table class="xwiki-livetable-display">
54 + <thead class="xwiki-livetable-display-header">
55 + <tr>
56 + <th scope="col" class="xwiki-livetable-display-header-text sortable asc">
57 + <a rel=""><label for="xwiki-livetable-alldocs-filter-1">Type</label></a></th>
58 + <th scope="col" class="xwiki-livetable-display-header-text sortable asc">
59 + <a rel=""><label for="xwiki-livetable-alldocs-filter-2">Users</label></a></th>
60 + <th scope="col" class="xwiki-livetable-display-header-text sortable asc">
61 + <a rel=""><label for="xwiki-livetable-alldocs-filter-2">Role</label></a></th>
62 + </tr>
63 + <tr class="xwiki-livetable-display-filters" id="">
64 + <td class="xwiki-livetable-display-header-filter"><select><option value="all">all</option><option value="default">user</option><option value="default">group</option></select></td>
65 + <td class="xwiki-livetable-display-header-filter"><input type="text" value="filter..."></td>
66 + <td class="xwiki-livetable-display-header-filter"><input type="text" value="filter..."></td>
67 + </tr>
68 + </thead>
69 + <tbody id="alldocs-display" class="xwiki-livetable-display-body">
70 + <tr class="default">
71 + <td class="doc_name linkview typetext"><a class="group icon" title="Group" href="#"></a></td>
72 + <td class="doc_space linkspace typetext"><span class="tag-wrapper"><a href="#">Unregistered Users</a><a title="Remove users" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></td>
73 + <td class="actions ">
74 + <ul class="roles">
75 + <li class="rightTd">
76 + <span class="addRight">
77 + <input type="text" title="Add role" value="add role">
78 + <input type="image" src="/xwiki/resources/icons/silk/bullet_add.gif" alt="Go" value="Go" class="button" title="Add role">
79 + </span>
80 + </li>
81 + <li><span class="tag-wrapper"><span title="">Unregistered</span><a title="Remove role" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></li>
82 + </ul>
83 + </td>
84 + </tr>
85 + <tr class="default">
86 + <td class="doc_name linkview typetext"><a class="group icon" title="Group" href="#"></a></td>
87 + <td class="doc_space linkspace typetext"><span class="tag-wrapper"><a href="#">Registered Users</a><a title="Remove users" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></td>
88 + <td class="actions ">
89 + <ul class="roles">
90 + <li class="rightTd">
91 + <span class="addRight">
92 + <input type="text" title="Add role" value="add role">
93 + <input type="image" src="/xwiki/resources/icons/silk/bullet_add.gif" alt="Go" value="Go" class="button" title="Add role">
94 + </span>
95 + </li>
96 + <li><span class="tag-wrapper"><span title="">Registered</span><a title="Remove role" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></li>
97 + </ul>
98 + </td>
99 + </tr>
100 + <tr class="default">
101 + <td class="doc_name linkview typetext"><a class="group icon" title="Group" href="#"></a></td>
102 + <td class="doc_space linkspace typetext"><span class="tag-wrapper"><a href="#">XWikiAdminGroup</a><a title="Remove users" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></td>
103 + <td class="actions ">
104 + <ul class="roles">
105 + <li class="rightTd">
106 + <span class="addRight">
107 + <input type="text" title="Add role" value="add role">
108 + <input type="image" src="/xwiki/resources/icons/silk/bullet_add.gif" alt="Go" value="Go" class="button" title="Add role">
109 + </span>
110 + </li>
111 + <li><span class="tag-wrapper"><span title="">Administrator</span><a title="Remove role" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></li>
112 + </ul>
113 + </td>
114 + </tr>
115 + </tbody>
116 + <thead class="xwiki-livetable-display-header">
117 + <tr class="xwiki-livetable-display-filters" id="">
118 + <td class="xwiki-livetable-display-header-filter typenumeric">
119 + </td>
120 + <td class="xwiki-livetable-display-header-filter">
121 + <span class="addRight">
122 + <input type="text" title="Add user" value="add users">
123 + <input type="image" src="/xwiki/resources/icons/silk/bullet_add.gif" alt="Go" value="Go" class="button" title="Add user">
124 + </span>
125 + </td>
126 + <td class="xwiki-livetable-display-header-filter " colspan="2">
127 + <span class="buttonwrapper hidden">
128 + <a href="#" class="button">Save</a>
129 + <span> or </span>
130 + <span class="colorLink">Reset</span>
131 + </span>
132 + </td>
133 + </tr>
134 + </thead>
135 + </table>
136 + </td></tr>
137 + </tbody>
138 + </table>
139 + </div>
140 + </div>
141 +</div>
142 +
143 +</div>
144 +
145 +<div class="left column45">
146 + <div class="xclass1 collapsable">
147 + <div class="explication2Header xclass-title">
148 + <span class="savedExpand "><span class="colorHeader">Role Management</span></span>
149 + <div class="xHelpLabel">roles determine the access level of the users</div>
150 + </div>
151 + <div class="xclass-content">
152 + <div class="containing">
153 + <table summary="" id="alldocs" class="xwiki-livetable">
154 + <tbody
155 + <tr><td class="xwiki-livetable-display-container">
156 + <table class="xwiki-livetable-display">
157 + <thead class="xwiki-livetable-display-header">
158 + <tr>
159 + <th scope="col" class="xwiki-livetable-display-header-text sortable asc">
160 + <a rel=""><label for="xwiki-livetable-alldocs-filter-2">Role</label></a></th>
161 + <th scope="col" class="xwiki-livetable-display-header-text sortable asc">
162 + <a rel=""><label for="xwiki-livetable-alldocs-filter-2" class="allowRight"><span>Allow Right</span></label></a></th>
163 + <th scope="col" class="xwiki-livetable-display-header-text sortable asc">
164 + <a rel=""><label for="xwiki-livetable-alldocs-filter-1" class="denyRight"><span>Deny Right</span></label></a></th>
165 + </tr>
166 + <tr class="xwiki-livetable-display-filters" id="">
167 + <td class="xwiki-livetable-display-header-filter"><input type="text" value="filter..."></td>
168 + <td class="xwiki-livetable-display-header-filter"><input type="text" value="filter..."></td>
169 + <td class="xwiki-livetable-display-header-filter"><input type="text" value="filter..."></td>
170 + </tr>
171 + </thead>
172 + <tbody id="alldocs-display" class="xwiki-livetable-display-body">
173 + <tr class="default">
174 + <td class="doc_space linkspace typetext"><span class="tag-wrapper">Unregistered<a title="Remove role" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></td>
175 + <td class="actions allowRight">
176 + <ul class="roles">
177 + <li class="rightTd">
178 + <span class="addRight">
179 + <input type="text" title="Add right" value="add right">
180 + <input type="image" src="/xwiki/resources/icons/silk/bullet_add.gif" alt="Go" value="Go" class="button" title="Add right">
181 + </span>
182 + </li>
183 + <li><span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="help" title="Users can see the content of pages">view</span><a title="Remove right" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></li>
184 + <li><span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="help" title="Users, in order to comment, they need to solve a captcha first">captchaComment</span><a title="Remove right" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></li>
185 + <li><span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="help" title="Users can create new user accounts">register</span><a title="Remove right" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></li>
186 + </ul>
187 + </td>
188 + <td class="actions denyRight">
189 + <ul class="roles">
190 + <li class="rightTd">
191 + <span class="addRight">
192 + <input type="text" title="Add right" value="add right">
193 + <input type="image" src="/xwiki/resources/icons/silk/bullet_add.gif" alt="Go" value="Go" class="button" title="Add right">
194 + </span>
195 + </li>
196 + <li><span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="help" title="Users can create, edit and delete modifications to pages and their objects (comments, attachments, etc)">edit</span><a title="Remove right" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></li>
197 + </ul>
198 + </td>
199 + </tr>
200 + <tr class="default">
201 + <td class="doc_space linkspace typetext"><span class="tag-wrapper">Registered<a title="Remove role" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></td>
202 + <td class="actions allowRight">
203 + <ul class="roles">
204 + <li class="rightTd">
205 + <span class="addRight">
206 + <input type="text" title="Add right" value="add right">
207 + <input type="image" src="/xwiki/resources/icons/silk/bullet_add.gif" alt="Go" value="Go" class="button" title="Add right">
208 + </span>
209 + </li>
210 + <li><span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="help" title="Users can see the content of pages">view</span><a title="Remove right" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></li>
211 + <li><span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="help" title="Users can add comments to pages">comment</span><a title="Remove right" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></li>
212 + <li><span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="help" title="Users can create, edit and delete modifications to pages and their objects (comments, attachments, etc)">edit</span><a title="Remove right" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></li>
213 + <li><span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="help" title="Users can delete pages">delete</span><a title="Remove right" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></li>
214 + <li><span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="help" title="Users can create new user accounts">register</span><a title="Remove right" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></li>
215 +
216 + </ul>
217 + </td>
218 + <td class="actions denyRight">
219 + <ul class="roles">
220 + <li class="rightTd">
221 + <span class="addRight">
222 + <input type="text" title="Add right" value="add right">
223 + <input type="image" src="/xwiki/resources/icons/silk/bullet_add.gif" alt="Go" value="Go" class="button" title="Add right">
224 + </span>
225 + </li>
226 + </ul>
227 + </td>
228 + </tr>
229 + <tr class="default">
230 + <td class="doc_space linkspace typetext"><span class="tag-wrapper">Administrator<a title="Remove role" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></td>
231 + <td class="actions allowRight">
232 + <ul class="roles">
233 + <li class="rightTd">
234 + <span class="addRight">
235 + <input type="text" title="Add right" value="add right">
236 + <input type="image" src="/xwiki/resources/icons/silk/bullet_add.gif" alt="Go" value="Go" class="button" title="Add right">
237 + </span>
238 + </li>
239 + <li><span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="help" title="Users can see the content of pages">view</span><a title="Remove right" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></li>
240 + <li><span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="help" title="Users can add comments to pages">comment</span><a title="Remove right" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></li>
241 + <li><span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="help" title="Users can create, edit and delete modifications to pages and their objects (comments, attachments, etc)">edit</span><a title="Remove right" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></li>
242 + <li><span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="help" title="Users can delete pages">delete</span><a title="Remove right" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></li>
243 + <li><span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="help" title="Users can manage administration settings, also they can view, comment, edit and delete pages">admin</span><a title="Remove right" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></li>
244 + <li><span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="help" title="Users can create new user accounts">register</span><a title="Remove right" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></li>
245 + </ul>
246 + </td>
247 + <td class="actions denyRight">
248 + <ul class="roles">
249 + <li class="rightTd">
250 + <span class="addRight">
251 + <input type="text" title="Add right" value="add right">
252 + <input type="image" src="/xwiki/resources/icons/silk/bullet_add.gif" alt="Go" value="Go" class="button" title="Add right">
253 + </span>
254 + </li>
255 + <li><span class="tag-wrapper"><span class="help" title="Users can use protected APIs and Groovy code in pages">programming</span><a title="Remove right" href="#" class="tag-tool tag-delete">X</a></span></li>
256 + </ul>
257 + </td>
258 + </tr>
259 + </tbody>
260 + <thead class="xwiki-livetable-display-header">
261 + <tr class="xwiki-livetable-display-filters" id="">
262 + <td class="xwiki-livetable-display-header-filter typenumeric">
263 + <span class="addRight">
264 + <input type="text" title="Add role" value="add role">
265 + <input type="image" src="/xwiki/resources/icons/silk/bullet_add.gif" alt="Go" value="Go" class="button" title="Add role">
266 + </span>
267 + </td>
268 + <td class="xwiki-livetable-display-header-filter">
269 + </td>
270 + <td class="xwiki-livetable-display-header-filter" colspan="2">
271 + <span class="buttonwrapper hidden">
272 + <a href="#" class="button">Save</a>
273 + <span> or </span>
274 + <span class="colorLink">Reset</span>
275 + </span>
276 + </td>
277 + </tr>
278 + </thead>
279 + </table>
280 + </td></tr>
281 + </tbody>
282 + </table>
283 + </div>
284 + </div>
285 + </div>
286 +</div>
287 +</div>
288 +<div class="clearfloats"></div>
289 +{{/html}}
290 +{{/velocity}}