Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [The execution of the [velocity] script macro is not allowed in [incubator:Improvements.PublicWebsiteFlavor]. Check the rights of its last author or the parameters if it's rendered from another script.]. Click on this message for details.

Public Website Flavor

Community Feedback


 (7 Feb, 2013)


A Public Website is an 


  • Publish a Carousel Extension
  • Publish a Fat footer Extension

Tasks & Features

Task: Instance Administration


You can create your own user base and let them authenticate with XWiki credentials.

You can also use our social login application that let's you login using credentials from various social sites, like Facebook, Twitter or Google.
Mandatory Default Extension


Public Websites usually have a custom skin in accordance with the company/product brand (logo, colors, etc.)

There is an extension skin designed especially for Public Websites.

The skin needs an Horizontal Menu to contain links to important sections. Also a fat footer should be set in place. 

The Homepage should host a Carousel with the  top offers / products.
Mandatory Default Extension Custom


There are over 21 language available for your website, depending on the audience you need to handle. Also you can add your own translation or improve a current one.
Optional Default


Task: Components


Pages are atomic entities of the wiki. They have 'Copy', 'Rename', 'Move', 'Delete' functionality. Also you can manage the 'History' (restore versions), add Attachments to them and manage them with 'Document Index'.

The Public Website Flavor comes with a custom structure that contain sample pages like:

  • 'About'
  • 'Contact us'
  • 'References' / 'Showcase'
  • 'Products'
  • 'Features'
  • 'License'
  • 'Terms of use'
  • 'Privacy'
  • 'Team'

Mandatory   Default Custom


Spaces are collections of wiki pages. They have separate administration, so they can have independent rights, presentation, backups, etc. 

Spaces organize pages in 'physical' locations, accessible through URLs.
Mandatory Default


You can edit the wiki page in Syntax mode or WYSIWYG mode, which provides a way to create rich content with ease.
There will be a selection of macros specialized for creating online content that can be embedded inside pages.
Mandatory Default


Macros add extra functionality inside wiki pages. There are certain macro categories, from content formatting to application specific macros.
Some examples of useful macros:

Mandatory   Default Extension Custom

Task: Components


You can host multiple blogs
Mandatory Default

Comments & Annotations

Collaboration and reviewing on wiki pages can be made through comments (global level) and annotations (contextual level) on unpublished content. The functionality could be disabled or enabled on published content.
Optional Default


Task: Notifications



Task: Security

Spam Protection


Features Summary

 Feature  Status
Authentification  Mandatory    Default   Extension 1  
Presentation Mandatory   Default Extension 2 3 4 5  Custom  
Internationalization  Optional   Default    
Pages (History, Attachments, Document Index)  Mandatory    Default     Custom  
Spaces Mandatory    Default    
WYSIWYG Mandatory    Default    
Macros Mandatory    Default    Custom  
Blog  Mandatory    Default    
  1. ^
  2. ^
  3. ^
  4. ^ Carousel Extension
  5. ^ Fat Footer Extension