Selective Export Analysis

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Use Cases

  • move data across XWiki instances, including sharing of applications between separate instances
  • move data to another wiki


 Add a tree for picking documents in import and export.  For instance it would be very helpful to be able to specify
to import an individual space. There may be an add-in for this, but it would be useful to have in the main build.

That would be a part of the Application Manager I think??

application export option

glerouge: (another feature I've been asked for is export the current livetable selection as an Excel file for instance)

CSV export. Excel export 

Jerome: IMO we should consider a treeview rewrite as prerequisite for this item, so the UI mockup could start with
mockups of a new "extensible treeview".
(3:27:52 PM) evalica: do you know who is gonna take care of the Selective Export integration in the platform?
(3:28:10 PM) evalica: are we gonna use the existing code for the Multi Page export application?
(3:28:20 PM) evalica: or we need to implement one from scratch
(3:28:33 PM) sdumitriu: jvelo could do it, since he already did the import
(3:28:40 PM) sdumitriu: Or I can, after I finish the poll
(3:28:57 PM) evalica: Selective Export Application: it allows to select a space and choose  which page to export in your package
(3:29:09 PM) evalica: is this the difference between .. Selective Export and Multi page Export? :)
(3:29:29 PM) vmassol: for me it's the same
(3:29:35 PM) evalica: one is letting you see the space and select the pages ... and the other is using the search feature to select the pages?
(3:29:52 PM) vmassol: it's one feature
(3:29:57 PM) vmassol: then we need to decide the options we want to have
(3:30:05 PM) vmassol: to select the pages/spaces
(3:30:36 PM) evalica: I need to know if I just need to remake the UI from the Multi page export - to be in the colibri style ... or I need to think of another interface
(3:30:44 PM) vmassol: we should define a spec first probably
(3:30:52 PM) vmassol: and agree on it
(3:31:05 PM) vmassol: maybe you could prepare a first version evalica?
(3:31:15 PM) glerouge: there are 2 parts
(3:31:15 PM) glerouge: * selecting a set of pages
(3:31:17 PM) sdumitriu: evalica: Differences are in UI/UX mostly
(3:31:19 PM) evalica: I could gather some specs
(3:31:23 PM) sdumitriu: They do the same thing in the end
(3:31:24 PM) glerouge: * deciding wht to do with those pages
(3:32:05 PM) vmassol: glerouge: wdym by the second part? is there something else than exporting them?
(3:32:53 PM) glerouge: vmassol -> from a user pov exporting a XAR for a backup and creating a composite PDF document isn't exposed the same way in the UI I guess
(3:33:18 PM) vmassol: for the selection indeed, it could be a bit like the insert link UI with tabs for: tree, recent pages you've navigated to, search
(3:33:27 PM) evalica: for the PDF export should we include the options glerouge add in his PDF export panel?
(3:33:36 PM) vmassol: then you click a button to move the selected pages to the target list of pages to export
(3:33:56 PM) glerouge: caty -> that's part 2 (deciding what to do with the pages)
(3:33:57 PM) vmassol: and yes this should be the same UI for PDF, RTF, XAR, etc
(3:34:27 PM) glerouge: step 1 is deciding what to export, step 2 is deciding what to do with the selected pages
(3:34:32 PM) tmortagne: +1 for common selection tool
(3:34:45 PM) glerouge: (export them as PDF with their comments, export them as a XAR with backup pack etc)
(3:35:32 PM) vmassol: we'll need to decide if we want new export actions at the level of the space and wiki menus
(3:36:02 PM) vmassol: or whether we offer single export actions in the wiki menu for example
(3:36:12 PM) vmassol: and then pre select the current page for ex
(3:36:21 PM) evalica: should we have some link in the menu that say: "Add page to export list" ?
(3:36:23 PM) glerouge: evalica: so for now you can start with a proposal for an interface allowing to select multiple wiki documents (it's a tough one already, specially for big wikis)
(3:36:33 PM) vmassol: evalica: IMO it's a dedicated UI
(3:36:39 PM) vmassol: (not add page to export list)
(3:37:07 PM) glerouge: vmassol: could be both
(3:37:16 PM) vmassol: glerouge: I really don't see how that would work
(3:37:22 PM) vmassol: you'd need to store the list somewhere
(3:37:31 PM) vmassol: and it's clumsy as a usage IMO
(3:37:31 PM) glerouge: a bit like a basket on an online website
(3:37:42 PM) glerouge: I agree that it's not the first one I would have thought about either
(3:38:10 PM) glerouge: back to the multiple document selection UI -> it's a tough one, specially for big wikis (we've seen how the tree behaves)
(3:38:31 PM) glerouge: (or, more accurately, how the tree does not behave)
(3:38:38 PM) vmassol: idea too: use a livetable to select pages
(3:38:55 PM) vmassol: (in order to do the filtering easily)
(3:39:18 PM) glerouge: vmassol: that's a suggestion for the selection of pages, maybe there are better ones
(3:39:19 PM) evalica: vmassol: I think there is no UI - that you haven't propose to use the livetable :)
(3:39:19 PM) vmassol: filter then click add to add all selected pages, repeat
(3:39:28 PM) vmassol: evalica: right :)
(3:39:29 PM) glerouge: lol
(3:39:37 PM) glerouge: he likes generic components
(3:39:38 PM) vmassol: I really like the filtering ability
(3:39:39 PM) sdumitriu: Livetable + select all this page, select all matched pages
(3:39:43 PM) vmassol: and yes I do like generi stuff
(3:39:56 PM) glerouge: sdumitriu: yes, adding bulk actions to the livetable is the next step
(3:40:00 PM) glerouge: select all,
(3:40:03 PM) glerouge: + actions
(3:40:06 PM) glerouge: (like gmail)
(3:40:30 PM) vmassol: next step = ? I think we should consider an extended livetable for this use case
(3:40:33 PM) glerouge: it would be useful for the export, for delete too
(3:40:46 PM) glerouge: vmassol -> the next option to add to the livetable
(3:40:53 PM) vmassol: meaning that maybe it's time to improve the livetable now for this use case
(3:40:56 PM) glerouge: (as if it didn't already have enough)
(3:41:01 PM) vmassol: rather than do this use case and later improve the livetable
(3:41:14 PM) glerouge: the livetable has already been imported a lot lately
(3:41:29 PM) glerouge: and it's use cases are only going to grow so indeed maybe a refactor could be good
(3:41:32 PM) sdumitriu: s/imported/improved ?
(3:41:34 PM) glerouge: imported -> improved
(3:42:10 PM) glerouge: (another feature I've been asked for is export the current livetable selection as an Excel file for instance)
(3:42:42 PM) vmassol: glerouge: like jira ....
(3:43:01 PM) glerouge: evalica: good luck now ;)
(3:43:35 PM) evalica: :) thanks
(3:44:42 PM) vmassol: the good thing of Livetable vs tree is that the livetable scales, the bad part is that you can't navigate hierarchically
(3:45:11 PM) vmassol: so one tab with livetable, one tab with tree, one tab with search
(3:45:12 PM) vmassol: :)
(3:45:29 PM) tmortagne: could be a livetree :)
(3:45:39 PM) vmassol: yes livetree for the tree tab
(3:45:51 PM) sdumitriu: We need to rewrite the tree anyway
(3:45:58 PM) vmassol: seriously the 3 tabs might not be a bad idea
(3:46:05 PM) vmassol: since there's no a single way to find information
(3:46:09 PM) vmassol: s/
(3:47:17 PM) evalica: and we need 3 tabs just for the selection part ...
(3:47:39 PM) vmassol: yes htat's the left part
(3:47:50 PM) vmassol: the right part is the aggreated list of spaces/pages to export
(3:48:31 PM) vmassol: and the bottom part are the export options (for ex)
(3:48:37 PM) evalica: and then we need the export options / type ... xar, pdf (include what ...)
(3:48:39 PM) evalica: yeap
(3:48:42 PM) lucaa left the room.
(3:48:50 PM) vmassol: evalica: I think we'd have different UIs
(3:48:55 PM) vmassol: but using common parts
(3:49:03 PM) vmassol: well I don't know
(3:49:11 PM) vmassol: we could decide to have a single unifying one for all exports too
(3:49:20 PM) vmassol: I'm neutral
(3:49:23 PM) evalica: k .. thanks .. I'll think about it
(3:49:25 PM) vmassol: just might be a bit crowsed
(3:49:29 PM) vmassol: crowded
(3:49:31 PM) vmassol: ok cool
(3:49:32 PM) evalica: the import / export should have the same look and feel
(3:49:49 PM) evalica: or .. we'll see :P
(3:50:10 PM) vmassol: it's also possible
(3:50:15 PM) vmassol: to change the UI for the import
(3:50:26 PM) vmassol: I'm not sure it was heavily designed/reviewed
(3:50:46 PM) vmassol: I have various nitpicks with it ;)
(3:50:52 PM) glerouge: yeah, let's rewrite XWiki while we're at it
(3:50:59 PM) glerouge: :p
(3:51:04 PM) vmassol: (so L&F yes, same ui components, not sure)