Selective Export Analysis


 Add a tree for picking documents in import and export.  For instance it would be very helpful to be able to specify
to import an individual space. There may be an add-in for this, but it would be useful to have in the main build.

That would be a part of the Application Manager I think??

application export option

glerouge: (another feature I've been asked for is export the current livetable selection as an Excel file for instance)

CSV export. Excel export 

Jerome: IMO we should consider a treeview rewrite as prerequisite for this item, so the UI mockup could start with
mockups of a new "extensible treeview".

Existing Applications

Related JIRA issues

PDF Export

To export a page as PDF use the action menu as explained above or use the following type of URL:


In addition the following URL parameters can be added to refine what should be exported:

  • pages: there can be several such parameters, each representing a page to export. For example: &pages=Main.WebHome&pages=Blog.WebHome.
  • includechilds: the value is a number specifying the depth of children pages to include in the PDF export. For example &includechilds=2 will include all children pages of the page to export, all its children (i.e. pages which have the page as its parent) and all the children’s children.
  • includelinks: the value is a number specifying the depth of linked pages to include in the PDF export. For example &includelinks=2 will include all pages linked from the page to export and the links in the linked pages.
  • pagebreaks: if the value is set to 1 then a page break is inserted between all exported pages.
  • comments: if set to 1 then also export the comments.
  • attachments: if set to 1 then also export the attachments (only if they are images).