Invitation Proposal Mockups

Initial State


Completion State


After Sending State


Other Ideas

Cancel the invitation from the notification infomessage


Other Admin Invite actions (if the invitations are just for the admins)

  • Location of the Invite actions:
    • Administration > Users > Invite Collaborators (Users)
    • Administration > Users > See invitations status
  • Invitation Status actions:
    • Not yet confirmed invitations
      • Cancel selected invitations
      • Resend to selected emails
    • Confirmed invitations
    • Add to specific Group the invited users
    • Set rights for the invited users

Other User Invite actions (if the invitations are also for all users)

  • Location of the Invite actions:
    • User > Profile > Invite Collaborators (Friends)
    • the user could give access rights on the spaces he administrate