Invitation Proposal Mockups

Initial State


Completion State


After Sending State


Other Ideas

[Other] Cancel the invitation from the notification infomessage


[Other] Other Admin Invite actions (if the invitations are just for the admins)

  • Location of the Invite actions:
    • Administration > Users > Invite Collaborators (Users)
    • Administration > Users > See invitations status
  • Invitation Status actions:
    • Not yet confirmed invitations
      • Cancel selected invitations
      • Resend to selected emails
    • Confirmed invitations
      • Add to specific Group the invited users
      • Set rights for the invited users
  • Admin can view the sender of the invite, the invited users and the invitation message

[Other] Other User Invite actions (if the invitations are also for all users)

  • Location of the Invite actions:
    • User > Profile > Invite Collaborators (Friends)
    • the user could give access rights on the spaces he administrate

[Other] Advanced Options

  • Invite as collaborators / viewers for a specific page/space
  • Send the mail in HTML/plain format
  • Invited users can invite other users 
  • Import list of emails from CSV
  • Send invitation in {language} (English, French, etc)