Features & Ideas

  • a mockup for displaying the list of invitations (pending/accepted) sent by the user.
    • If this step would be for the administrator, would be nice from the list of accepted users, that we can apply batch operations for giving rights and adding people in certain groups
  • cancel an invitation?
    • the user sends the invitation to the wrong email address
    • the user wants to delete invitations that haven't been accepted in a
      specific amount of time (e.g. the invitee is asked to register before a
      given date)


  • add explanatory text below each label. For instance, it's not clear that the user has to enter an email address in the "Who you are inviting:" field (can I enter multiple email addresses?)
    • A solution for this would be just like the way we add Tags. Provide an overlay for entering emails one by one. This way you can validate them in the overlay and also take care of the separators. The emails could be deleted using the corner X.
    • The problem with this solution is if the user is experimented and he has a standard list of emails he wants to paste, without entering one by one. We should satisfy both use cases.
  • we should describe what happens with the invitation (the fact than an email is sent to the specified email address)


  • Think about who is invited, whether they can invite other people, and what is gonna happen once they are there. 
  • The invitation should have personal messaging from the sender
  • The benefits of joining and participating should be clearly articulated to the recipient
  • A very clear "Call to Action" button or link should be available for the recipient to easily step right into the wiki
  • Allow one person to initiate a conversation and invite other participants on the fly 
  • Share this with friends by email
  • Preview integrated in the bottom of the page, not on other page
  • Enable people to work together to curate their collective wisdom or document their shared knowledge
    • give users a way to bring in additional collaborators with an invitation to participate
    • collaborative editing: community moderators may need to make an extra effort to recruit, campaign, and encourage contributions. 
    • the ability to find friend and make them part of your circle for participation 
  • The framework must allow users to change their minds, back and forth, about following or friending others; and it must be graceful in how the system alerts both the user and the recipient of the follow or unfollow. 
