Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [The execution of the [velocity] script macro is not allowed in [incubator:Improvements.FlavoursRequirements]. Check the rights of its last author or the parameters if it's rendered from another script.]. Click on this message for details.

UC: That said I personally would prefer the following:
  • Have no working platform distribution
  • Distribute an empty XE (with just the extension manager)
  • When XE starts the first time, propose different "flavors" (public documentation web site, intranet, empty, etc) and install automatically all required extensions
With this vision there's no need for a minimal distribution version in platform and platform can remain a repo of libraries/resources.
UC: The user will get shown flavors to pick (a flavor is simply a predefined set of extensions), which the ability to not choose a flavor and instead hand-pick the list of extensions to install.
UC: What is a distribution? From what I understand our idea is to not have any distribution by default in the future and instead to start up with a minimal runtime having only the Extension Manager (and what it needs to work) and then ask the user to pick a "Flavor" (preset of extensions) or start with an empty "Flavor" (or hand pick the extensions he'd like to see used).Thus for me there's only 1 "distribution" in the future, it's the EM one. And XE becomes a "Flavor".
UC: An idea we have discussed at length is to have no extension installed initially and ask the user to pick a flavor (i.e a preset selection of extensions) or manually check extensions to be installed.
UC: Note that flavors should be defined as extensions (they are simple extensions having dependencies on other extensions) and as such the community will be able to publish flavors on and these flavors would get available when starting xwiki for the first time.
UC: Bring everything as extensions of XE and have them installed by the Extension Manager and introduce flavors to even more quickly set them up.
UC: We've restructured are code base so that everything is platform. Platform contains modules which are "features" (a.k.a extensions). Right now we still have enterprise/ but it's only a packaging and it could possibly even be removed in some future and replaced by a flavor.
UC: We need to finish the Flavor idea by allowing the DM to list flavors.
UC: strong ecosystem of extensions
UC: * Review a bit the proposal
  • Talk about the need to define a new type of extension in EM;
  • Talk about custom installs: 1) the ability to pre-select what extensions you want, before installing; 2) implementing enable/disable for unwanted extensions in the bundle;
  • Talk about empty extensions with just a list of dependencies;
  • Talk about flavors that might need to change the Main.WebHome, add new user groups with according rights, add specific macros, while disabling some "default" WYSIWYG macros;
  • Can we have multiple flavors installed in the same sub-wiki? Do we see them as groups of extensions (flavors just with grouping extensions together purpose) or more like stand-alone (custom rights, custom pages, etc. that might come in conflict)?
  • How the initial "XE" will look like? Basic flavor or just EM?
UC: * Remove notion of XE. The distribution is now "XWiki"
  • XWiki becomes an empty shell (as it is already when you download the WAR), even when you download the standalone distribution - generate distribution in xwiki-platform, maybe in xwiki-distributions with installers inside and some functional tests (but most func tests will be with flavors)
  • Remove xwiki-enterprise and xwiki-manager and introduce xwiki-flavors/ in xwiki-platform
  • Need to be able to download full flavors XAR with everything for people offline
  • When XE starts, user chooses flavor:
    • Multiwiki flavors:
      • Workspaces Flavor (same as old XEM), should be the "default" one somehow.
      • Farm Flavor
    • Single wiki flavors:
      • Knwowledge Base Flavor (closest to current XE)
      • Intranet Flavor
      • Blog Flavor (full wiki is a blog)
      • Projet Development Flavor (aka dev flavor)
      • Web Site Flavor
      • Empty Flavor (aka custom flavor), i.e. no pages, empty wiki
  • When creating a Workspace need to be able to choose a Flavor for the subwiki
  • Ability for anyone to publish a flavor on e.x.o
  • Need a way so that recommended/best flavors surface on top i the DW. First version: static list, Second version: ratings
  • Modify wiki manager so that it can uses the EM to install a flavor on a subwiki
  • Need virtual=1 by default
  • Need ability to install JARs on first install (right now guest cannot do that)
  • Ability to install skins/web resources (needed if a flavor wants to install a FS skin)
  • need to defined what is a flavor technically
  • add notion of flavor in DW so that it can list existing flavors on first screen
  • propose 2 flavors initially: the workspaces one + the knowledge base one (old XE)?
UC: n homepages for n flavors