Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [The execution of the [velocity] script macro is not allowed in [incubator:Improvements.DistributionWizardActions]. Check the rights of its last author or the parameters if it's rendered from another script.]. Click on this message for details.

Community Feedback


Some thoughts about the new upgrade wizard


The distribution wizard contains 2 buttons, named "Skip" and "Cancel" which produce confusions about their functionality and effect:

  • Skip means 'go to the next step and ask me again after a server restart'
    • temporary cancel
  • Cancel means 'go to the next step and don't ask me again until I change my distribution'
    • permanent cancel


Current Implementation (XE 4.2)

Improvement Version 1: Using Checkbox

  • Transform old_'Skip' into new_'Cancel'. Use 'Cancel' button pattern in the classical manner, where cancel action has a naturally temporary postpone action associated with it.
  • Transform old_'Cancel' into a checkbox. Use 'Don't ask me again ...' pattern to represent the permanent action.

Improvement Version 2: Using Select

  • Transform both buttons into a select with three states (see picture2):
    • continue wizard: 'Continue with this wizard'
    • temporary postone wizard: 'Reload this wizard after a server restart (postpone it for now)'
    • permanent abord wizard: 'Abort this wizard for this distribution (and continue the process manually)'
  • Select options have the advantage that can contain multiple words to describe the action. 
  • Temporary cancel and permanent cancel are states that normally shouldn't be needed by user. The primary, desired action for the user is continuing the installation/upgrade action, so this should be the selected state.