Manage Posts

  • Show a Live Table containing post details
    • Tags can be viewed using "tagCloud" : true for the LiveTable
  • I can "view" the posts following the title link


  • For visibility reasons, "Schedule" and "Private" actions are not added as standard actions in the LiveTable. This actions can be set in "Edit" mode.
    • but you can view the status icon in the post title and in the "type" field
  • "Public" and "Publish" actions are displayed because they lead to the "default" state (Published, Public, Now). 


Multiple Actions

  • The Header contains "Select Checkbox" and "General Actions" for the selected items in the table.
  • The "General Actions" are dynamic, depending on the operations that can be applied to the selected items. 
  • Actions:
    • Delete - can be applied on all items
    • Edit - is an individual action
    • Publish, Public - can be applied to the items that have that option
  • How can I delete multiple posts at once?ManagePostsDeleteAction.png
  • How can I publish multiple posts?ManagePostsPublishAction.png
  • How can I make public a post?ManagePostsPublicAction.png


Questions & Issues

  • Q: Show Published date instead of Created?
    • Created & Modified can be viewed in the page information 
    • Publish date is an information that is unique to blog posts, but can be changed easily (with "private", "schedule" and "unpublished" - in the new flexible proposal format)
  • I: Author is irrelevant when is only one administrator, but LiveTable can be easily configured;


  • Viewed posts
  • Commented posts