Comments on Blog Categories

Last modified by Ecaterina Moraru on 2013/11/13 12:47

  • Marta Girdea
    Marta Girdea, 2009/05/18 19:00

    Re "If I select the parent of a category subtree, this means I implicitly select all it's children?" > No:

    I can have the category Math, with subcategories Algebra, and Geometry. I post a comment about differential equations. I don't want to create a subcategory, because I'm pretty sure it's a waste since I don't intend to post on this subject anymore. So I just put it under Math. That does not mean it concerns both Algebra and Geometry. The list of subcategories is not supposed to fully cover the the parent category.

  • Ecaterina Valica
    Ecaterina Valica, 2009/05/19 14:13

    thanks for the comment

  • Marta Girdea
    Marta Girdea, 2009/06/17 17:16

    Hi Cati,

    For adding a new category, how about something similar to adding a new space in the Dashboard? Under the category tree, there could be a New category 'button', that reveals a form where you can enter the category name. Additionally, there is a New subcategory button for each existing category in the tree. This way the parent selection would be more 'visual'. WDYT, would that be easier to use? The problem is I'm not sure how the buttons should be styled, in order to be visible enough, but also prevent the category tree from looking too crowded.

    • Marta Girdea
      Marta Girdea, 2009/06/17 18:31

      ... actually, if the tree looks somewhat like this,  it doesn't seem too crowded. Could we have this kind of UI for categories?

      • Ecaterina Valica
        Ecaterina Valica, 2009/06/18 16:09

        Hi Marta,
        Your ideea is nice. I did some related mockups.

        • Sergiu Dumitriu
          Sergiu Dumitriu, 2009/06/18 19:34

          What we had in mind was something like this:

          • Ecaterina Valica
            Ecaterina Valica, 2009/06/18 21:48

            I know what Marta meant and the UI is nice.

            The problem is that the tree is increasing vertically with a row (+ New category) for every category/subcategory. The tree is gonna look crowded and hard to scan/read.

            If you put the actions in the bottom, you can also expand/add more actions later (add, edit, delete, ... group, move, etc).

            About "move" do you think we should add the possibility to change the parent when in "edit"?

      • Ecaterina Valica
        Ecaterina Valica, 2009/06/18 16:15

        The problem will be to match with Tags field in the "Create New Post" form.

        We need to decide on what action words we use and make a standard (Create, Add, etc). See more details at