Comments on Blog Analysis

Last modified by Ecaterina Moraru on 2013/11/13 12:47

  • Marta Girdea
    Marta Girdea, 2009/05/15 16:00

    Re "Display in Dashboard/WebHome, Blog Post different than Wiki Pages": that's a very good point, and it will be handled in the Document Type Manager (when you define a doc type, you can set an icon for it, see mockups). So, unless it's urgent, maybe we should wait for this feature to be implemented generically for all doc types.

  • Ecaterina Valica
    Ecaterina Valica, 2009/05/15 16:36

    I don't know if it's urgent - but I'm glad it can be done. 

    That icon is the best I could find in the Silk icons. It's contrastant enought and looks like a page, but we could find another.