Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [The execution of the [velocity] script macro is not allowed in [incubator:Improvements.BlogAnalysis]. Check the rights of its last author or the parameters if it's rendered from another script.]. Click on this message for details.




Blog Settings

How do I fast change the name of my blog? 

  •  add an "Edit"/"Settings" clue on the right of Blog Title
    •  "Edit">"Inline form"
    • Contains Blog Title, Blog Description, nr of displayed pages

Display in Dashboard Blog Post different then Wiki Pages 
One XWiki page  My first blog post
Another page  
Current page  
Page structure  
My second blog post
Blog Analysis  

Can I change my blog's theme? appearence? to be different from the current skin? 

  • Guillaume: right now there's no specific UI for this. You can go to the administration panel of the Blog space and change presentation settings there though.

Can I change just an article's theme? 

  • Guillaume: right now, no.

 will we integrate statistics for the blog? nr. of posts, visitors, comments? categories, tags? 

  • Guillaume: XWiki statistics interface is a bit poor right now (one of your next jobs ;-). However statistics about the blog will definitely be recorded when stats are activated. The statistics part should be thought about XWiki-wide, don't worry about it specifically for the blog. It will be addressed later.



"Create new post" should be up, always in the same place, regarding the increasing posts that take it down in page

Do we display tags for the posts? 

  • Guillaume: right now tags are being displayed only in the Information tab at the bottom of the page. This could be improved.

Do we show a tag cloud? 

  • Guillaume: we could do that in a panel

Do we show category cloud? 

  • Guillaume: I think a categories panel already exists
  • Blog Categories Panel 

Will I have WYSIWYG editor active? 

Will I have a special options where I can say that I want to have <html> code integrated?

  • Guillaume: when using the wiki editor, the user can input html using the {{html}} macro. The wiki editor is currently being improved with a toolbar. It will be made available in inline mode soon. The new WYSIWYG editor also has a built-in feature to insert html content. There's a JIRA issue open to make the new WYSWYG usable in inline mode (inline mode is used when editing blog posts content)

Can I post with code content? <code> tags in the content? 

  • Guillaume: see above answer. The html macro is required to input html code. The new WYSIWYG editor will let the user switch between wiki & WYSIWYG to add wiki markup.

Do we show related posts? 

  • Guillaume: this would require additional underlying logic code. Not in the short term.

Can we have related blogs on multiple spaces? 

  • Guillaume: what exactly do you mean? Probably not in the short term.


  • can we have threaded comments?
  • do we special represent the comment of the holder of the blog? or the author?
    • this could be done quering the rights - the one that have delete/edit rights can be special represented than the readers? they will be representing the "editors" 


The blog is a typical XWiki application:

  • It requires a creation form to create new articles
  • It lists existing items with a custom display
  • A blog post has its specific page with a custom look
  • Blog posts can be edited as forms (inline mode)

Stuff to improve

  • Creating a new blog post
              o Step 1 -> create the page
              o Step 2 -> fill in the fields
  • Edit / view a blog post
              o Look of the blog post page

Recommendation: Adjust layout so that tags and categories are visible above the fold, make module drag and drop so that users can decide for themselves where each module should be located.