• Avatar: visual representation of the user
    • 100x100 pixels on upload
    • auto-resizing depending on the content
      • 30x30 inline/secondary usage
      • 50x50 profile usage
    • default image examples


  • Profiles:
    • a place for users to create an "image" of how they wish to be seen in the context of your site
    • users want a central, public location to display all the relevant content and information about themselves to others
      • Activity Stream as part of User Profile
  • Dashboard:
    • the user wants to check in and see status updates from friends, current activity from network, comments, etc.
      • allow users to select what elements they want displayed in their dashboards
    • provide the ability to create a status update directly in the dashboard if status is an important part
    • easy access to the user's own profile (link on avatar?)
  • Activity Streams
  • Comments
  • Annotations
  • Users/Groups management