
  • Record and store events happening inside the wiki
  • An event is defined by the following questions:
    • what? -> event type
    • when? -> event date / time stamp
    • who? -> event initiator
    • where? -> event source and (where to look for) event effect (wiki/space/page/application)
  • Standard event types are:
    • create / add
    • edit
    • move / rename
    • delete
    • comment
    • annotate
    • attach
  • 3.0 definition: An activity stream is a flow of content items that represents what has been changed in a particular context (i.e., a workspace). These items are usually ordered in reverse chronological order to show the most recent items first. What is shown in an activity stream depends on the desired granularity and usually this information consists of what has been modified in a wiki, a new blog post, new members that have been added to the workspace, etc. 


  • Work/Personal/Live stream is a microblogging/status casting application that allows an user to publish messages/updates
    • the status would be displayed in user hovers, profiles and also be visible in the recent updates. 
    • would be great if you could somehow attach labels to User Status updates. Like Twitter hashtags.
    • it would be nice to able to comment, interact with another user's status updates, like on Facebook, Friendfeed
  • Filtering (type, user, date, location)
    • persistence: browse older/all statuses 
    • set the number of displayed items 
    • Globally/General | From Space | From Me | From Friends | From Group
  • Notifications: RSS 
  • Integration: Maintain streams from third-party systems