Action Menu Navigation

Global Menu

  • the name of the wiki and space are changing according to user navigation
  • if we click on wiki/space links we are taken to the wiki/space WebHome 
  • Improvements from the old proposal
    • visual sign to imply hierarchy "Wiki >> Space" 
    • in order to have two functions simultaneous (navigation + actions) the element is separated in icon + name, each with it's own function
      hoverSeparation.png clickSeparation.png
    • interaction with the element is done through mouse hover and click actions

Wiki Navigation

  • on Hover on element
  • on Click on Wiki icon
  • to leave the clicked menu, click on other element in the page
  • to return to Wiki actions click on Wiki's name: Incubator

Space Navigation

  • on Hover on element
  • on Click on Space icon
  • to leave the clicked menu, click on other element in the page
  • to return to Space actions click on Space's name: Main