Action Menu States

  • View Mode
  • NotExists Mode
  • Edit Mode
  • No menu for: delete, rename, administration

Edit Improvements Proposals

Variant A

  • keep global navigation
    • we need a warning message if the user want to navigate without saving 
  • keep Edit submenus instead of "Choose Editor" panel
  • delete you don't know what is the active editor


Variant B (use editmenu)

  • delete we don't have a way to navigate in the wiki
    • this can be a good thing if we consider edit as a blocking state (need to exit the state before continuing)
  • keep Edit submenus instead of "Choose Editor" panel
  • specify the active editor in #editmenu (WYSIWYG Editor: PageName)


Variant C (content menu right side)

  • keep global navigation
  • keep Edit submenus instead of "Choose Editor" panel
  • specify the active editor in the content menu right side (Editor: Wiki)


Variant D (content menu left side)

  • keep global navigation
  • keep Edit submenus instead of "Choose Editor" panel
  • specify the active editor in the content menu left side (Edit: Wiki)


Variant E (in the breadcrumb)


Variant F

  • should we have also a View submenu with links like: Content, Comments, Attachments, History, Information?