Wiki source code of Application Within Minutes

Version 1.7 by Ecaterina Valica on 2011/03/21 16:20

Show last authors
1 External Links:
2 * [[Design page on>>]]
3 * [[Document Type Manager Wireframe>>]]
4 * [[Steps Wireframes>>]]
6 General requirements:
7 * separate simple vs. advanced users
9 Class editor ideas:
10 * Display existing classes, listing them not only by space location, but also by type (XWiki Specific, XWiki Internal, My Classes, etc) - have a blacklist (or not showed for normal users) for internal classes
11 * Separate properties in common (Name(s), Pretty Name(s), Validation Message(a), Size of the corresponding form element in edit mode (a)) and specific ( depending on the type: Type, Suggest, Rows, Editor, etc.) + simple(s) / advanced (a)
12 [image:attach@properties1.png]
13 [image:attach@properties2.png]